Thursday, September 12, 2013

I am not a personal assistant.

I may look like I'm in charge, but my only responsibility is to create a gateway of the information you provide to the student. It may seem mean and tedious, but this could create some real problems in our job.

Professor:  I need to go grab something really quick from my office. Can you watch the class while they take the quiz? 

Interpreters/transcribers:  I'm sorry, no. We can't be responsible for your class. 

Professor:  It will only take a minute. Just watch them and make sure they don't open their books or anything.

Interpreters/transcribers:  I'm sorry, I can't be responsible for what they do while you are gone. You could put a student in charge... But I can't do that.

Professor:  But they have already started the quiz.

Interpreters/transcribers:  I'm sorry. You'll have to collect the quiz from them, then.

Professor:  [rolls eyes] Okay.

I am not your personal assistant!

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