Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Closet Curtain Doors

Well we've had these nasty orange wood sliding doors for our closets in our master bedroom - and I've always disliked them. I had been talking to Steve about either painting them, wallpapering them, or getting curtains to replace them - and he didn't object.
Well, long story short: One day I wanted to kick and punch things because of those STUUUUPID doors! They were just too much in the way. And I like to see my whole closet at one time. So I'm a diva. Sue me. In a fit of rage, I decided it was time for curtains instead of doors. I asked Steve to remove the doors, and he used his manly strength and did so easily.

Well, then I was left with looking at the unorganized, messy closets. Great. I did not think that through.

We got the curtains (white to be safe with future colors). Well they were a few inches too long. But thanks to my trusty new sewing machine, I could easily sew them to the correct length. Holla! And here are the new closet doors that I sewed and put up today. I still need to iron them. And when the rest of the bedroom colors are chosen and finalized, I plan to dip dye these or paint a stripe on them or something. We'll see what Pinterest persuades me to do later on.

Next project: actually organize the inside of the closets.  :)

New Desk

Now that we have a big old house to ourselves, I have been making one of the bedrooms into a crafty space. It's so awesome. And Steve also got me a sewing machine for Christmas, and I was SO EXCITED!!!
I used to just pull out all my crafting/scrapbooking things and craft on the dining table. But since I had the sewing machine, I wanted a more stationary spot to put it. So we had been going on somewhat regular trips to the DI to see if they ever had anything nice enough to have in our house and something that would actually work.
We FINALLY found it last weekend. I love it so much and it doesn't smell! yesssss. I think I might paint it one day, but I'm loving the retro vibe it's giving off for now. Now I'm on the hunt for a good chair to match.

Here it is with the new sewing machine on it! YAY!

Please ignore the rest of the mess around the desk - I'm in the process of organizing/de-junkifying this room.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow and ice

This winter has been quite snowy and interesting weather has happened that I don't usually see in Utah. Our new house is really good at fostering icecicles off the gutters...
These were on the back of our house and were about 3 feet long.

Here is the front of the house with more 3 foot long ice spears.

Then there was this death ice harpoon hanging outside our front door. Huge! And it got thicker a while after I took this picture.

Then we had an ice storm - which NEEEEVERRR happens around here. I had experienced something similar in Indy, but I don't even remember it being like this. It was IN-SANE. This was the day I was telling myself not to fall down the stairs, and I did anyway ... and the neighbor saw me. But I lived, don't worry!

Ice rink in the driveway

And we got a STINK LOAD of snow. I'm sure Utah has gotten this much snow before, but I was never really around to witness it. But it just seemed to dump on us all at once. A lot of shoveling our new driveway this winter.

The snow even hid the mailbox!

Needless to say, this winter was a very snowy and icy one. Our heater was also on the fritz. It would just stop working for a few hours, even though it was still turned on. Awesome. So we called and got it "fixed" on February 4. Then it stopped working for a whole day and they came back and hopefully actually fixed it the second time. We're just hoping we'll have the warranty when the heater actually dies...since it's pretty ancient already.

Happy winter everyone!!