Monday, January 27, 2014

Motivation Monday

Sometimes people leave you
Halfway through the wood.
Do not let it grieve you.
No one leaves for good.
You are not alone.

I have always loved the musical Into the Woods. Not only is the music amazing, the stories fun, and the whole thing hilarious, but the messages in the show are so inspiring. Certain songs and lines from Into the Woods have always spoken to me and pierced my heart. Please see this show if you haven't already!

The particular line I wrote here is from one of the last songs in the show. From the very first time I saw the show and heard the soundtrack I have never forgotten these lines. It is so true for me. And I haven't been able to get this part out of my head for a few days.

Sometimes people leave us sooner than we like. Sometimes we are separated from family and friends in distance, and we miss them dearly. But I know that loved ones that have passed, or loved ones that live far away, are always with us.

Not only that, but we are never alone. Our Savior is always aware of all the details in our lives. Always. I'm not just saying this - I know it. Every single thing we do is important to Him. He loves us, cares about us, and will always be interested in what we are doing.

Happy Monday!

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