Thursday, October 23, 2014

30 Weeks :: Belly Progress

Hey, my friends! I am here to give a quick update about the sweet babe in my belly. I know I've been a little MIA for a couple weeks. I had a block class for graduate school ending, and I've been pretty swamped at work. I think I say that a lot, but it's the truth.

Here is where we are today. Well...a week ago. ;)

And here's an update on the rest of our life - the fast version:

-Still pregnant. Still excited!
-Ended up dropping the graduate class I was going to take the second block of the semester. I've been so busy, I knew I needed to take things off my plate in order to be able to have time to get ready for baby.
-Started putting up things for Harry Potter Halloween 2014!
-Finally got blinds up in baby's window.
-Crocheting a few more things for friends and Etsy sales.
-Still working on projects for baby's room.
-Went to a birth prep and baby care class. We are so glad we did because they eased some of our first-time parent anxieties.
-We finally registered for baby things for baby showers.
-Recently my really cool brother-in-law saved our lives by fixing our bathroom. It was a serious problem, and we are so grateful for him and his quick action. Like a real-life superhero!
-Still working my buns off at work and trying to get everything set for when I leave.
-Still increasingly amazed with the step-upness (yes, I just made up that word) of my sweet hubs. There aren't enough words, so I have to make my own.

I'm proud to announce I still love being pregnant. A month or two ago I was almost ashamed to say that because so many women complain about being pregnant and all that comes with it. I didn't want to see like I was bragging. Yes, there are things that aren't so awesome about being pregnant. Yes, my back aches much of the time. And yes, it's much harder to control my gassiness. But it's worth it. I've been blessed to have a relatively "easy" pregnancy, and I'm thankful for that every single day. I'm absolutely loving feeling this sweet little parasite jump and hiccup inside me, and we cannot wait for her to join our family.

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