Well, even though I said we had been relaxing with barely any classes, I have been lacking in my motivation for blogging. But we have been having alot of fun, even though we have had alot of family and friend activities to attend.
Here I am with my friends Candice, Lola, and Chelsey. Chelsey just got married and we all met at her reception (only partially planned). It was so fun to see my old roommates/friends! It is sad that they are all so far away. But hopefully we all get together again soon!
My mom came into to town to visit and have some fun with me, Monica, Dallin, and Maggie. It was alot of fun to take a little time off work and spend time with her. We went to the Gateway Mall in downtown SLC. Mom REALLY liked all the Olympic stuff all over the mall. So, she had to get a picture under the Olympic Legacy Plaza sign.
We made a stop for lunch at the food court. wooooo.
While Mom was here, I decided to tackle a crafting project I'd been waiting and waiting to do! A yarn wreath. It seems like I see them everywhere lately, and I think that they are adorable! After I started the wreath, somehow I managed to get the yarn into a HUGE knot. So we had to spend a day fixing that before I could continue.

Here is the finished project! I LOOOOVE IT!!!!! I realize not everyone would like something like this (mom), but I think it's cute and can't wait to make another one!
Here is the finished project! I LOOOOVE IT!!!!! I realize not everyone would like something like this (mom), but I think it's cute and can't wait to make another one!
The flowers are made of felt. I had some flowers left over and made a necklace. It is really cute. But I'll have to put up a picture another time since my camera is currently out of commission. I'm planning on making another one, and possibly a headband. We'll see what happens. :)

The 4th of July was also pretty fun. Bigger fireworks are now legal in Utah, so we saw ALOT of fireworks in the air as we drove. Unfortunately, people are crazy about them and they did not limit the fireworks to the few days around the 4th. But I guess we just have to deal.
The 4th of July was also pretty fun. Bigger fireworks are now legal in Utah, so we saw ALOT of fireworks in the air as we drove. Unfortunately, people are crazy about them and they did not limit the fireworks to the few days around the 4th. But I guess we just have to deal.